martes, 12 de junio de 2012

Lasafueras en TEOR/éTica: Las Afueras Prologo #14

Lasafueras en TEOR/éTica: Las Afueras Prologo #14: "Thought is more important than art. To revere art and have no understanding of the process that forces it into existence, is finally not ev...

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012


She thought that she could will herself into it. She though: if I put my mind to it, I will make it. All she had to do was concentrate, hard enough, close her eyes and focus. The problem was, if she closed her eyes, then she could not concentrate in the exact object, but keeping them open was too distracting.
Then, she thought, I have to learn how to get there by shifting my body into something different. That was the first challenge.

Her face was feeling the breeze, the cold, cold, breeze, and enjoying it. It was a bit different than she had pictured it; the noise in her ears was so loud, that at first she felt like fainting. After a while she got used to it. Maybe it was this cloud, it was going too fast. while she was thinking about it, she realized in panic that this cloud was beginning to disintegrate.... jump, quick, jump to another cloud....rapidly she searched around her... there was a duck type one, jump, there, now.... even from up here the clouds have shape, funny, she thought.

This duck was also shifting very fast.. she moved thru a series of funny shaped clouds until, horrified ,she realized she was beginning to fall. At first it was a soft and slow fall, but soon it turned into a free falling, the blue sky surrounding her, the air on her ears, the cold air on her nose, she could not breath... under her falling body a patch of green, and surrounding her the blue hurting color of the sky....